It’s about the only thing I *have* done during this week of supposedly doing things and playing games…I’ve got such a stupid cough I can’t even play games!
But – some parts arrived today so new to the mythbox:
- Replaced whining fan with even older, but working fan.
- Added third tuner card (another Hauppauge Nova-T DVB card). Interestingly, whilst the same model in theory, the new card doesn’t have the aerial passthrough output (which was crappy anyway) and, according to dmesg, has a different version of the tuner. In any event, it was autodetected and setup without intervention, so all I had to do was tell mythtv about it and that was that.
Interestingly, adding a fourth tuner won’t be easy – whilst I have a spare PCI slot still, I’d need to find a 6- or 8-way aerial booster/splitter!
- Finally figured out what the problem with MythWeb was (permissions, it seems) and got that sort-of working – by which I mean the scheduling and browsing part works fine, but the streaming video part doesn’t work at all.
- Fixed the intermittently-working remote problem. For whatever reason, after reboots the box sometimes reallocates the “eventX” devices amongst the various inputs, which can bugger up the IR input. Not any more, thanks to Garry Parker (again).
- Bought, but not yet installed, another 250Gb drive. I need to figure out where to put the drive within the case. The problem is that if I use either of the drive bays above the power supply, the PSU fans go nuts with the extra heat and sound like a jet engine…perhaps I’ll try replacing it with the old Enermax PSU from my old tower. Good job I used LVM…