Visited countries

World66 “the travel guide you write” has got this great map generation tool that creates a world map of the countries you’ve visited. Click on World66’s Visited Countries link, to see where you’ve been (and where you’ve still got left to go!). My map of countries visited shows I’ve been to 30 countries or 13%… Continue reading Visited countries


Pizza Party

I’m just doing some research for Keith on Italy: Rome, vespas, trattorias, pope-idol, spaghetti, pizzeria – that kind of thing – only to stumble across this tale about a Pizza Party in the Park. Ok, so this doesn’t qualify as a “rant” (and it’s not very Italian either) but finding a website on pizza-eating squirrels… Continue reading Pizza Party



Hmmm. Think I’ll wait until *after* the upcoming meeting to finish fiddling with the mythbox. I did get it more-or-less up and running, but ran into problems again with XvMC. Enabling XvMC would crash not just mythfrontend, but X as well. I tried using an older, recommended Nvidia driver (7676) and that didn’t seem to… Continue reading Mythpause
