
A little disappointed with Amazon. Having seen Instituto at the TrocaBrahma event last Sunday (more info in this entry) I ordered a copy of their album, National Collective, as I thought it’d be a good listen. Unfortunately, Amazon sent me a Seu Jorge album instead! So sort of close then…but not right.

The other item in that order was a book by Lincoln Cushing called “Revolucion: Cuban Poster Art“. I’m working on some posters/flyers/invitations for an office party, and wanted some inspiration. I found plenty in here, and was pleased to have the work I did based on things in the book approved immediately. I now have an additional four items to work on, all with the same theme, which should provide a great opportunity for some creative design work, and a welcome break from the layout of board indexes!

I’m visiting the folks this weekend, so hopefully I’ll get to hook up with (sorry marc) the lads for a beer or two. So no update this week.
