Boozin’ with Mr Ben

That neatly summarises the whole weekend actually! Ben was back over from China on a visit and this time I was in country to go out!

Friday saw us all meeting up in a pub on the Strand (can’t remember the name, but its a Samuel Smith pub and there can’t be that many of them) for drinks and insults. Ben was carrying vast quantities of goodies for all and sundry – but we managed to remain quite dignified and not scavenge too mercilessly. Possibly most impressive was the entire Friends collection – every series, every episode – brought back for Amit – wow.

Friday wasn’t too damaged – for Lou & I it ended with a drunked rant on the tube home, then a healthy meal (pizza…). Watch this space for an audio recording of Lou singing Duran Duran’s Rio to the answering machine whilst waiting in the pizza shop…with hiccups.

On Saturday we cabbaged around the house until mid-afternoon when Ben came round, and after a curry (his) and an hour or two of faffing about, we set off into town so Ben could pick up a phone. Having arranged to borrow a phone from a friend, on Friday Ben left it with Carphone Warehouse to charge whilst he went to meet someone – who was late. So the phone was trapped, and as we discovered, the CW on the Strand doesn’t open on Saturdays…

The phone now abandoned til Monday, we headed to the Maple Leaf for drinks, food and to watch the rugby. Unfortunately everyone had forgotten that the football was on. So it was rammed. Bugger. The only option was to drink heavily, and just incase anyone was thinking she was a lightweight, Lou decided to drink bottles of wine instead of pints.

Several of these later we needed food, and lots of people had arrived, so Lou & I escaped to Miso for some food (which I proceded to spray over my shirt – well done Keith) and more booze. Then back to the Maple Leaf, drinks drinks drinks. The Briggs & co had arrived and were pushing for a trip to a 50s theme bar somewhere in Oval (I think)…so off we went…more drinks drinks drinks…then we were drunk. Dead drunk. Lou trying to start a fight with the bouncers drunk. Lou falling over in the street (again and again) drunk. Taxi-frightening drunk. Boo.

Sunday was fun. Lou was…unwell…and didn’t get out of bed until, well, late evening. I met up with Ben & Sarah around 6ish, and we went to the Frog & Forget-me-not for a few drinks and a relax. We were joined by some more of Ben’s mates for a couple of hours, and eventually by Lou at about 9. More booze, and food, and a great relaxing Sunday evening. Yay for Ben.

To be quite honest, I need another weekend to recover.
