Sense of humour failure

This one really should appear on The Urinal (as & when I get it up and running), but for now, its here. The original is/will be archived here, taken from Morning Newsbeat, a retail news website.

SkyNews reports that in the latest broadside against companies that make products that may be unhealthy for consumers, a minister at St. Mary the Virgin Church in Tetbury, Gloucestershire, in the UK, has published an article in the church magazine suggesting that McDonald’s is the work of the devil.

Rev. John Wright said that the article was meant as a joke, though he admitted that not everybody “got it.” He said, “I think there has been a bit of a sense of humour bypass by some people.”

Included in the article:

“And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow vegetables of all kinds, so man would live a long and healthy life…But Satan created MacDonald’s (sic). And MacDonald’s brought forth the double cheeseburger. And MacDonald’s said to Man, ‘You want fries with that?’

“And Man said, ‘Supersize them’, and Man gained pounds.”

Anyone who’s ever read Spike Milligan’s old testament might find this vaguely familiar. I don’t know – it might even be a quote. The Sky News article which Morning Newsbeat mentions is here.
