Rank hypocrisy

Truly, to watch the news at the moment you need nothing so much as a shovel. If you’ve heard the words ‘Geneva Convention’ mentioned in a bulletin then you should know exactly what I mean. The articles of the various Geneva Conventions cover the ethical and humanitarian treatment of POWs and others. It seems fairly… Continue reading Rank hypocrisy


Make a shorter link!

There’s an experimental version of a “shortlink” service available now on the anorak. Simply paste in your oversized URI (newspeak for URL) and hit the button, and you’ll short link in the form of http://theanorak.org/link/?q=xx. To try it out, point your browser here. Why would you use this? Well, have you had emails with long-ish… Continue reading Make a shorter link!


Operation: ??

Snippet: Friday marked the start of operation “Shock and Awe” (don’t we mean Schlock & Whore?), where 1,000 cruise missiles were fired on Baghdad. The Snowmail, a regular news email from presenter Jon Snow commented on this an a number of other issues – worth a read if you’re interested in a slightly more realistic… Continue reading Operation: ??


Oil be da judge o’dat!

George Bush’s hopes of turning Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in to yet another drilling field suffered a setback yesterday when the Senate voted against him, 52 to 48 (a disturbingly close call due to energy crisis fears, heightened by going to war in Iraq perhaps?). The destruction of this final 5% of northern coastline… Continue reading Oil be da judge o’dat!


More ITV ranting

I shouldn’t watch ITV news – it just winds me up. This evening’s news included such classics as the assault on “Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad”, and possibly the world’s least relevant/least worthy on-the-scene report. Perhaps I should adopt one Slashdot poster’s view of the situation: a media fast. No tv, no Economist, nothing. Why? The two… Continue reading More ITV ranting
